Huron Animal Hospital
Our facility offers two surgery suites equipped with laser technology and complete patient monitoring throughout the surgical procedure. Your pet’s safety and comfort is of first and foremost importance to us.

We use state-of-the-art laser technology which results in no bleeding, less pain, and less swelling in surgical areas. In addition, the overall recovery time for your pet is faster. Every surgery, however minor or routine, from spay to ACL, involves risk. The Huron Animal Hospital surgical team does their best to help minimize these risks.
Pre-anesthesia lab tests are performed to confirm the functionality of all organs and to reveal any abnormalities or conditions that may potentially pose a risk to your pet. In addition, IV catheters are placed prior to surgery to allow the administration of warmed fluids during and after surgery.
Surgical patients are prepared for their procedures in a separate area designated for that purpose. Each patient receives a new sterile surgical pack, and our surgical staff all wear sterile surgical suites to help prevent possible infection. Pain medication is administrated before and after surgery. Blood pressure, EKG, oxygen levels, and respiration are all monitored during the procedure. Our patients rest on a heated “bear hugger” warming blanket during surgery to minimize any soreness and to keep the body temperature stable. Your pet will be continuously monitored in the recovery room until their departure
You are always welcome to observe your pet’s surgery through our viewing windows. We offer surgery five days a week, Monday through Friday, with early check-in available.